
We are at the first Milestone with Version V1.0

Q2 2023

  • Bear market period, and noticed the problems of the NFT market.

  • Research some products related to NFT liquidity such as SudoSwap, caviar...

  • The idea of an AMM for the NFT market - DeMask Finance

Q3 2023 - DeMask Finance V0.1

We started building a team and building some features in Testnet for DeMask Finance V0.1

Q4 2023 - DeMask Finance V1.0

  • Dex for ERC-721/ERC-20 Token Pair

  • Create an NFT Collection

  • NFT Project LaunchPad

Q1+ 2024 - DeMask Finance V2.0

  • Dex for ERC-721/ERC-20 Token Pair

  • A fractional token (ERC-20) of an NFT

  • Dex for A fractional Token - ERC-20/ERC-20 Token Pair.

There are many new features that will be updated after completing the above milstones.

Last updated